Return Policy

Our policy is valid within 90 calendar days from the date you have received your order. If you receive your order and for any reason, you are not satisfied with it, you can return the product for a refund. If the period of 90 days has elapsed since you received the purchase, we, unfortunately, can’t offer you a refund.

Refund requirements

The following criteria must be met to be eligible for a refund:

– The product must be in its original packaging
– The product must be unused
– The product must not be damaged
– The product seal must be intact

To ensure the above criteria have been met, all returns will be inspected. If the product does not meet the listed criteria, we reserve the right not to issue a refund.

Return Request

You can send your request for return or cancellation by e-mail, stating why you wish to return the order. We reserve the right to reject your request if the stated reasons are not covered by our return policies.

To process your return request, we will need the order details found in your confirmation email. This includes the order number and the details of the person who placed the purchase.

You are entitled to return the purchased product(s) and ask for a replacement of your order or request a refund under the following conditions:

1.In the case of proven mismanagement on our part – if we have sent you the wrong product or - if the order was damaged or faulty.

2.If your decision to return the product(s) is not described in the above-mentioned criteria, we reserve the right to decline the request. If the request is confirmed, you have 90 days to return the order, counting from the day you have received it.

Please note that, according to our policy, the shipping and handling fees are excluded from the return and are a customer’s responsibility.

In all cases, the returned goods must be in the same condition they were received, including the original, intact packaging. If they are not returned within ninety (90) days, the refund cannot be completed.

If subjected to the Terms of Service, you are entitled to receive either another product of equal value or a refund, the compensation will be completed up to 90 days from the date of receipt.

If you misuse our return policy in the form of multiple refunds or we suspect any fraudulent activity, we save our right to refuse the return of the product(s), even if the conditions described above are met, as they adhere to the rights of consumers provided by law.

Depending on where you live, the time it could take for an exchanged product to reach you may vary. Customer compensations will be refunded up to ninety (90) days from the date of receipt of the product. When it comes to returning their item, the customer will be responsible for paying for his shipping costs. Shipping costs are non-creditable.

Ship back the items at the address stated in the Return Form

The return items must be shipped back in the original packaging in which case, Ayra Synergy is entitled to refuse to take them back and/or may claim damages. This policy is for customers who purchase directly from the official Ayra Synergy websites.

100% Money Back
90 Day Satisfaction Guaranteed
90 day money back guarantee